Exposed: Robert Mueller has Donald Trump over a barrel

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Vladimir Putin just got his butt kicked

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown about Chief Justice John Roberts

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Adam Schiff is going after Donald Trump’s money

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Chief Justice John Roberts has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 21, 2018

Ivanka Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo were treasonously plotting with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia from the start

By Tim Faulkner | Nov 21, 2018

Adam Schiff slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Donald Trump launches into deranged meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

How Nancy Pelosi pulled it off

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Michael Flynn’s sentencing just got locked into place

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

And the avalanche begins

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Stick a fork in Matt Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Donald Trump takes his treason to a whole new level

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 20, 2018

Robert Mueller makes major new filing in the mysterious grand jury proceedings that appear to be against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Wait, Donald Trump tried to do WHAT to Hillary Clinton and James Comey?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Donald Trump just committed treason with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Donald Trump would sure like to have this Ivanka Trump related tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Donald Trump has clearly given up on life

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

The Rudy Giuliani train wreck comes full circle

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2018

Welcome to the final countdown to the fireworks

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

The effort to sabotage Nancy Pelosi as Speaker grows even more absurd

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is so worried that Donald Trump Jr is going down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

Robert Mueller’s new Trump-Russia court filing tonight reveals he’s not afraid of Matt Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

Goodbye Ivanka Trump, nice knowing you

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

The real reason the mainstream media is suddenly setting Ivanka Trump on fire

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

Matt Whitaker’s scam patent company linked to bizarre Donald Trump promotional video

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 19, 2018

Donald Trump caves

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2018

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