Donald Trump celebrates immigration deal with Mexico that doesn’t exist

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

New York State Supreme Court delivers bad news for Donald Trump and his kids

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Jerome Corsi goes off deep end after confirming plea deal negotiation with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Robert Mueller’s big deadline

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

What happened to Matt Whitaker?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Did Donald Trump step on a rake?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Ecuador clears the decks for Robert Mueller to seize Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Donald The Deranged strikes again

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 24, 2018

Everyone always caves

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

There’s something really weird going on with this Jerome Corsi plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

Maxine Waters slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

Donald Trump swings and misses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

Roger Stone goes off the deep end after Jerome Corsi begins selling him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

So this explains Robert Mueller’s little delay in Trump-Russia arrests

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi is negotiating a Trump-Russia plea deal. Here’s what it really means.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

The real reason the House GOP just subpoenaed James Comey and Loretta Lynch

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

Ivanka Trump tried to be clever. It didn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s Thanksgiving from hell

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 22, 2018

The calm before the storm

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2018

Donald Trump goes on violent Thanksgiving rant about “bedlam, chaos, injury and death”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2018

It couldn’t be more obvious that Donald Trump’s kids know they’re going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2018

George Papadopoulos may have just landed himself a much longer prison sentence

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2018

Rudy Giuliani gives away the game as Mueller Time arrives

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 22, 2018

Thanksgiving checks and balances

By Amy Fowler | Nov 22, 2018

Everything is converging at once, and it’s all about to land on Donald Trump’s head

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s stooge Matthew Whitaker has a whole new problem

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 21, 2018

Head of Russian GRU dies suspiciously

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged Thanksgiving meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2018

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