The hits just keep coming after Paul Manafort blows it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Robert Mueller KNOWS

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Here comes the Trump-Russia chilling effect

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Paul Manafort and Donald Trump just got outfoxed

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 26, 2018

Oh come on, Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

There are no magic Trump-Russia pardons, for Paul Manafort or anyone else

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Looks like Robert Mueller just used Paul Manafort to bluff Donald Trump into submission

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Bizarre turn of events in Robert Mueller’s cooperation deal with Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Donald Trump tips off that he knows terrible news for him is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Roger Stone seemingly hints that he wants a plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Jerome Corsi goes strangely quiet [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Anti-Pelosi centrist Democrats signal surrender

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Jared Kushner strikes again

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 26, 2018

On deadline day, Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Jerome Corsi rejects Trump-Russia plea deal, gives something away about Robert Mueller’s next move

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

Even Alan Dershowitz now thinks Donald Trump is screwed

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2018

What does Nikki Haley think she’s doing?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Donald Trump goes utterly berserk after 60 Minutes further exposes the horrors of his immigrant child camps

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Three ways Robert Mueller’s big “deadline day” can play out tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Just hours from reporting to federal prison, George Papadopoulos throws a revealing final tantrum

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Trey Gowdy goes out with a whimper

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Robert Mueller is at the end of his ten day window

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Donald Trump runs treasonous interference for Putin, as Russia opens fire on Ukraine

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Judge in George Papadopoulos case hands major victory to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Vladimir Putin makes his big move as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Donald Trump just gave himself a new nickname. It’s not going well.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

Did Roger Stone just signal that he knows he’s going down?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2018

The silence is a little too eerie

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2018

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