“Liar liar pants on fire” – Jerome Corsi crashes and burns in MSNBC interview

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Twitter appears to suspend Vladimir Putin account

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Looks like Robert Mueller just got the provable perjury he was seeking from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Stop listening to Donald Trump’s BS about pardons

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Everyone piles on after Jerome Corsi rolls out laughable legal strategy against Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Donald Trump throws deranged fit about “treason”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Rudy Giuliani confessed five weeks ago

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Wow is Donald Trump stupid

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Today is going to be absolutely bonkers

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2018

Donald Trump’s legal team has conniption after his name is included in Trump-Russia indictment

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Donald Trump has completely incoherent late night meltdown after he and Manafort get busted

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Rudy Giuliani just nailed himself

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

As his treason scandal explodes, Donald Trump’s legal team begins floating the senility defense

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

This explains Donald Trump’s oddly specific complaints lately about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Nice try, Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Curious new move by alleged Russian spy Maria Butina

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Trump-Russia treason is exposed

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

House Democrats zero in on Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

How Robert Mueller just worked around Matthew Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Rudy Giuliani throws up his hands: “I don’t want to know”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

So how did Paul Manafort get past those Julian Assange visitor logs?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Jerome Corsi has sold out Roger Stone after all – and things just turned ugly

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Trump regime met with Ecuador just hours before news broke of Paul Manafort’s embassy meetings with Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Donald Trump screws up, accidentally gives credit to President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Conspiracy against the United States

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Looks like Robert Mueller just busted Paul Manafort, Julian Assange, and Donald Trump for treason

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Another rat flees Donald Trump’s sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

Sinking Donald Trump declares war on General Motors, CNN, Robert Mueller, and well, just about everyone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2018

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