Donald Trump Jr has bizarre meltdown as Trump-Russia indictments are set in motion

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Vladimir Putin just used Michael Cohen’s emails against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Michael Cohen’s new sentencing memo may have just taken down some of Trump’s White House advisers

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 1, 2018

Secretary of Defense James Mattis just threw Donald Trump and Russia under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

The real reason no one’s talking about the raids against Donald Trump’s money laundering bank and his tax lawyer

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Donald Trump gets confused at G20, blankly wanders off stage during event, staffer has to chase after him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Donald Trump runs and hides

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s cabinet of ghouls reaches a whole new low

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 1, 2018

Latest Trump-Russia development reveals that none of these people are getting pardoned

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Vladimir Putin signals the end of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

Michael Cohen releases revealing Trump-Russia sentencing memo

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2018

New York Attorney General celebrates “major victory” over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Hillary Clinton slam dunks Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Donald Trump, sulking and alone, sees things get even worse for him

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 30, 2018

Robert Mueller’s specter hangs over Donald Trump at G20 summit

By Robert Harrington | Nov 30, 2018

Donald Trump tries confessing to light treason

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Robert Mueller’s big testimony-inspired Trump Russia indictments and arrests are now in motion

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Someone just fed Matt Whitaker to the wolves

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to lose

By Tim Faulkner | Nov 30, 2018

Yep, the Trump-Russia blackmail thing is real after all

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Congressman Ted Lieu drops the hammer on Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Jim Jordan gives up

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Welcome to Act III in Donald Trump’s self-made tragedy

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 30, 2018

Anthony Kennedy, Donald Trump and the curiously timed Deutsche Bank raid

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Is this the part where Matt Whitaker gets fired?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Here’s the crazy part

By Bill Palmer | Nov 30, 2018

Donald Trump has late night Twitter meltdown about Trump Tower Moscow

By Bill Palmer | Nov 29, 2018

It’s official: Robert Mueller is targeting Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 29, 2018

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