Did Rudy Giuliani just stick his finger in an electric socket?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Everything is on fire and Donald Trump is drowning

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Michael Flynn’s free pass may have just changed everything for Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Adam Schiff: Michael Flynn has given up far more than Donald Trump knows about

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Robert Mueller’s mystery third investigation involving Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Robert Mueller just put another brick in the wall of Donald Trump’s prison cell

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 4, 2018

Rudy Giuliani has has complete meltdown after Michael Flynn sentencing memo dooms Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller basically pardoned Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

That sound you hear right now is Donald Trump – and everyone around him – panicking and screaming

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Mike Pence is in such deep shit tonight

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Legal expert makes fascinating observation about Robert Mueller’s job security after seeing Michael Flynn sentencing memo

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Robert Mueller reveals that Michael Flynn has destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Democrats pile on after Roger Stone tries, and apparently fails, to invoke the Fifth Amendment

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Have the Republicans just found their excuse for strategically ousting Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Subpoenas go flying in suit against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Roger Stone throws a fit after it leaks out that he secretly pleaded the Fifth

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Roger Stone pleads the Fifth

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Why this 2018 Republican Party email hack is so dangerous

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Someone just made a super-secret court filing in the Paul Manafort case

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Donald Trump’s “Tariff Man” meltdown sends the stock market off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

It’s a good thing Donald Trump is an idiot

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Here’s the thing about the Michael Flynn sentencing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Welcome to Mueller Christmas

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Donald Trump’s danger days

By Amy Fowler | Dec 4, 2018

Roger Stone: “Jerome Corsi will probably get the death penalty”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2018

Eric Trump goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2018

The next four days are everything

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2018

Ted Lieu hits on what Donald Trump fears most

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2018

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