Here’s the thing about Michael Cohen’s prison sentence

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk all-caps late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Assistant Attorney General secretly recused himself from Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

No wonder Donald Trump was so desperate to fire Andrew McCabe

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s delusional meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Roger Stone screws up and makes really stupid admission about Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Looks like the Matthew Whitaker experiment is over

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Bizarre new development in the Maria Butina plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Sean Hannity flips out

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 6, 2018

The real reason behind Donald Trump’s surreal choice of William Barr for Attorney General

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Donald Trump and NRA busted for illegal 2016 campaign conspiracy, just as Maria Butina plea deal falls into place

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Here comes Robert Mueller’s Julian Assange extradition

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Watergate’s John Dean now says Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner are both going down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Hillary Clinton handled Donald Trump perfectly at the funeral

By Robert Harrington | Dec 6, 2018

Former U.S. intel official suggests Michael Flynn was wearing a wire

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Roger Stone gives away how scared he is of Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to screw himself

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Mike Pence is so screwed

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump fears Michael Flynn so much

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

As Maria Butina nears plea deal, Donald Trump tries to get rid of her

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Robert Mueller just made another big legal move – and Rudy Giuliani could be the criminal target

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Now we know how Saudi Arabia bought off Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Here’s the thing about Nancy Pelosi inheriting the presidency

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

After the Michael Flynn memo, Donald Trump throws Mike Pence under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Even Fox News now says Donald Trump Jr is getting indicted and arrested

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Donald Trump can’t even do a funeral without screwing it up

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Here come the Trump-Russia espionage arrests

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2018

Rudy Giuliani’s “bupkis” meltdown brings the show to a whole new low

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 5, 2018

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