Maxine Waters slam dunks Donald Trump and John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

Donald Trump just can’t shut up while he’s behind

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 8, 2018

Yeah, this is enough for House Democrats to impeach Donald Trump – but here’s the thing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

Donald Trump and the NRA get caught in the act

By Tim Faulkner | Dec 8, 2018

What if he doesn’t know it’s over?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

Lordy, Michael Cohen’s tapes

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Preet Bharara gets his revenge on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Looks like Robert Mueller was setting up Paul Manafort to fail all along

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Donald Trump’s entire existence has just been set on fire

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu drop the hammer on “Individual-1” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders unwittingly admits Donald Trump directed a felony criminal conspiracy

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Everyone piles on after “Individual-1” Donald Trump nonsensically declares that he’s been fully cleared

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Robert Mueller nails Paul Manafort for conspiring with Donald Trump’s White House

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Donald Trump is now officially an alleged criminal. Here’s what happens next.

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 7, 2018

Michael Cohen sentencing memo formally accuses Donald Trump of directing criminal conspiracy to alter the outcome of the 2016 election

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

SDNY throws the book at Michael Cohen, but Robert Mueller says he’s been helpful. Now what?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

The rats are fleeing Donald Trump’s sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Even Tucker Carlson now thinks Donald Trump is going down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Rex Tillerson attacks him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Rudy Giuliani gives away what Robert Mueller is about to hit Donald Trump and Paul Manafort with tonight

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Mike Pence may be going down first

By Robert Harrington | Dec 7, 2018

John Kelly prepares to resign after it’s revealed that Robert Mueller got to him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Eric Swalwell slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk, calls woman by wrong name, misspells two letter word

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

Expert: Mike Pence, Reince Priebus and others knew about Trump-Russia treason all along

By Tim Faulkner | Dec 7, 2018

CNN evacuated over bomb threat right after Donald Trump posts incendiary tweet

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2018

What the heck are Robert Mueller and Donald Trump “negotiating” tonight?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

Rudy Giuliani waves the white flag

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2018

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