It’s time for John Bolton to panic over Maria Butina

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

The FBI investigation into Rudy Giuliani just got a whole lot worse for him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

How the Maria Butina plea deal could blow up the entire Republican Party

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Donald Trump pouts as no one is willing to become chief of staff of his sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Yep, the Russian government was running the Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s incremental felony confession strategy is already failing him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s “smocking gun” meltdown is a punchline, but it’s also an unwitting felony confession

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Maria Butina just brought the house down on Donald Trump, the GOP, the NRA, and Russia

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Congratulations to Donald Trump’s new Chief of Staff for lasting zero days on the job

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Robert Mueller moves the goalposts on Donald Trump yet again

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Rudy Giuliani goes off the deep end with “TDD” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Donald Trump and Mike Pence are about to have the most uncomfortable lunch date of all time

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Is Mike Pence on his way out?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

House Democrats lay the groundwork for ousting Donald Trump in a way that’s quicker than impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Robert Mueller filing reveals he’s zeroing in on the money trail from Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 9, 2018

The real reason Nick Ayers just bailed on Donald Trump and Mike Pence at the same time

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Adam Schiff says Donald Trump is facing prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after losing his second White House Chief of Staff in 24 hours

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Glitch in Donald Trump’s latest tweet suggests Rudy Giuliani has begun secretly tweeting for him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Shocker: Fox News says Donald Trump will be indicted

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s new Attorney General nomination is already imploding

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Donald Trump is a stochastic terrorist

By Robert Harrington | Dec 9, 2018

Everyone chuckles as Donald Trump Jr, fearing imminent indictment and arrest, heads to Canada

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

James Comey dishes on Rudy Giuliani’s role in Trump 2016 election scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s “Da Nang Dick” meltdown is whacked out even for him

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 8, 2018

The sheer brilliance of what Robert Mueller just did to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

Yet another Trump-Russia connection leads back to Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

Looks like Michael Cohen gave up Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2018

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