SDNY reveals that the Trump-Cohen payoff scheme has incriminated another Donald Trump campaign official

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Nancy Pelosi has Donald Trump right where she wants him

By Robert Harrington | Dec 12, 2018

Sulking Donald Trump refused to get out of bed today

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

National Enquirer’s David Pecker teams up with SDNY to formally accuse Donald Trump of felony

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Down goes Michael Cohen

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 12, 2018

Here’s how Donald Trump’s downfall is going to play out

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Did Robert Mueller pave the way last night for Donald Trump obstruction of justice charges?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

It’s finally Mike Pence’s time in the barrel

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner just made their Saudi Arabia murder scandal even worse

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Adam Schiff piles on after Donald Trump blows it

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Ivanka Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

What did Robert Mueller and Michael Flynn just do?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Donald Trump screws up and confesses to felony, accidentally waives attorney-client privilege

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Bad news surfaces for Donald Trump in FBI raid of his former longtime tax attorney

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Donald Trump forced to go crying back to John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Donald Trump has tantrum after failed press conference, starts throwing things

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Mike Pence has clearly given up

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

The sheer brilliance of what Nancy Pelosi just did to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Maria Butina’s lenient Trump-Russia plea deal sentence means she gave up EVERYONE

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Donald Trump just got his butt kicked by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on live national television

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Rudy Giuliani is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Treason for Dummies

By Bill Palmer | Dec 11, 2018

Donald Trump finally figures out he’s going down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Chuck Grassley may have just gotten caught up in Maria Butina’s Trump-Russia plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Maria Butina’s handler suddenly vanishes as she cuts Trump-Russia plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

We’ve finally arrived at Donald Trump’s downfall

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s “smocking gun” tweet gives away something about Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

There are two popular schools of thought when it comes to ousting Donald Trump, and they’re both wrong

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2018

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