Robert Mueller’s mystery sealed indictment

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 14, 2018

When you’ve lost Chris Christie…

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

This is just the tip of the iceberg

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Something major is going down right now in Robert Mueller’s sealed grand jury case

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Ted Lieu goes after “desperate” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Donald Trump settles for petty revenge as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Is this the criminal scandal that takes down Melania Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

So this explains Donald Trump’s sniffing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

SDNY drops hint that it has recordings of Donald Trump incriminating himself

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

“His goose is cooked” – Richard Painter talks Donald Trump plea deal and resignation

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

SDNY moves in on Donald Trump’s family

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Adam Schiff reveals his plan to indict Donald Trump while he’s still in office

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Michael Cohen’s tapes blow the lid off Donald Trump inauguration bribery scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Confirmed: Donald Trump was in the room where the felony happened

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about Michael Cohen

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 13, 2018

Maria Butina guilty plea sends shockwaves across the GOP and NRA

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Donald Trump’s dirty deeds

By Robert Harrington | Dec 13, 2018

Why this one matters

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Donald Trump has completely idiotic reaction after Michael Cohen is sentenced to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 13, 2018

Donald Trump’s worst day yet leaves him stunned into public silence and bizarre behavior behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr just got really bad news from the incoming Attorney General of New York

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

House Democrats drop the hammer on Donald Trump’s money laundering

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Fox News stunner: Donald Trump “committed a felony”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Donald Trump, spiraling out of control, throws Jared Kushner under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Robert Mueller releases statement confirming Michael Cohen has nailed Donald Trump on Russia

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

“Humiliated” and “super pissed” Donald Trump is no longer functioning on any level

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

SDNY targets criminal charges against “Executive 2” – and it looks like it’s one of Donald Trump’s kids

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

Sean Hannity panics, begins deleting incriminating tweets

By Bill Palmer | Dec 12, 2018

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