No wonder the stock market is plummeting

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2018

The real danger of Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Dec 17, 2018

Belligerent buffoon boasts “Boarder Security,” stupidly sabotages spelling

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2018

Sorry, Rudy Giuliani, that’s not how anything works

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s new strategy: admit he’s a criminal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2018

“Mr. Enemy of the People”

By Amy Fowler | Dec 16, 2018

Five things to know about Robert Mueller’s secret Trump-Russia appeals court case

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2018

Yep, Jared Kushner is going to prison

By Tim Faulkner | Dec 16, 2018

Michael Flynn’s dirt on Donald Trump begins surfacing – and it’s ugly

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2018

Rudy Giuliani screws up and reveals that Donald Trump is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2018

Donald Trump begins making berserk threats after Saturday Night Live lampoons him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2018

Donald Trump faces new Attorney General trouble

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 16, 2018

A whole lot of people in Donald Trump’s White House are going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2018

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are lost in the weeds as they circle the drain

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Now the New Jersey Attorney General is going after Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Mike Pence caught up in Trump inauguration fundraising criminal scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Maria Butina is already preparing to testify for the Trump-Russia grand jury

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Mick Mulvaney has been Donald Trump’s acting Chief of Staff for five minutes and there’s already a scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s lies spiral out of control

By Tim Faulkner | Dec 15, 2018

Here’s the funny part about Donald Trump’s ouster of Ryan Zinke

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Jared Kushner has a Pecker problem

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Rudy Giuliani just walked right into Robert Mueller’s trap

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2018

Donald Trump just had his “I am not a crook” moment – and he blew it

By Robert Harrington | Dec 14, 2018

FBI just conducted a second raid against Donald Trump’s former tax attorney

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 14, 2018

More details surface about Robert Mueller’s mystery grand jury court hearing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after everyone laughs at him for not being able to find anyone better than Mick Mulvaney

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Exposed: Ivanka Trump at center of Trump inauguration criminal scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

Donald Trump scrapes the bottom of the Chief of Staff barrel, finds Mick Mulvaney underneath it

By Bill Palmer | Dec 14, 2018

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