Donald Trump goes berserk, attacks Matthew Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Donald Trump pretends he’s signing a bill, gets caught signing blank piece of paper instead

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Get off the stage, bozo

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Everyone laughs after Donald Trump posts idiotic drawing of his “steel slat wall”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Donald Trump isn’t the president of anything

By Daniel Cotter | Dec 21, 2018

Donald Trump must have rabies

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Donald Trump finds a whole new way to blow it

By Robert Harrington | Dec 21, 2018

Here’s why I think James Mattis really chose right now to make his move

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2018

Stephen Miller has total meltdown

By Amy Fowler | Dec 20, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end, attacks Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

There goes everything

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk, posts bizarre video of himself singing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Donald Trump gives something away with his latest oddly specific wall meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Robert Mueller’s final countdown officially begins

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Mystery company responds after losing to Robert Mueller in secret appeals court case

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

The wheels have come off and Donald Trump just got run over

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

As things completely fall apart for Donald Trump, he gets rid of Secretary of Defense James Mattis

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

DOJ now says Rod Rosenstein, not Matt Whitaker, is in charge of Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

The story of Matthew Whitaker’s recusal/non-recusal just changed dramatically (again)

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Donald Trump goes into a “tailspin” as everything goes wrong for him at once

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

The Matthew Whitaker non-recusal story probably doesn’t mean what you think it means

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Two weeks notice

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Nancy Pelosi drops the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

Donald Trump throws Twitter tantrum after one of his biggest supporters turns against him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2018

“Bullshit” – Rudy Giuliani goes completely off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2018

Here comes the first Trump-Russia arrest in the Maria Butina plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2018

So this explains why Donald Trump is suddenly trying to extradite that guy to Turkey

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2018

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Trump Foundation is shut down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2018

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