Worsening trouble for Kyrsten Sinema

Kyrsten Sinema is in deep trouble. For months, the focus has been on Senator Joe Manchin. Many people, including me, have speculated on how to break his resistance to eliminating the filibuster.
There has been so much focus on him that the second obstructionist has not gotten the attention she deserves. That all changed this week. I do not presume to know what Senator Sinema thinks she is doing. She is a bit of an unknown quantity. And I will admit when she first ran, she was a candidate I fully supported.
Sinema’s ambition impressed me, as did the campaign she ran. She seemed possessed with an almost otherworldly calm. Nothing bothered her; she was always so damn calm. I was delighted when she won.
Fast forward to today. Sinema’s favorability ratings are way down. In addition, as Palmer Report told you, she is facing a possible “no confidence” vote from her local party. There is deep anger toward Sinema. Many see her as having betrayed them. But it isn’t just her resistance to President Biden’s agenda. It is her attitude in general.
The smirks, the curtsy that she did — all have annoyed voters who see her as minimizing their concerns. And that is why people are talking about primarying her. Gabby Giffords has been frequently mentioned as a possible contender to run, although others have voiced their concerns about having a husband and wife team in the senate. Sinema is not helping any of this talk by attending fundraising events held by individuals who oppose Biden’s agenda. So, what gives?
I believe we have a choice. We can forget about Sinema and look toward a future primary challenge. I wouldn’t say I like this method of fighting.
The second choice is to try to change her mind. Sinema knows the opposition. She isn’t stupid. And if we continue to call her office, email her and voice our reasons and concerns about WHY she should change her behavior, it will do wonders. All must be done politely, of course.
I am bringing this up because of the anger I see toward her on Twitter. I understand that. I am angry as well. But people are raging at her without a calm way to cut through the bullshit and use activism to propel the way forward. Anger can sometimes be detrimental. It can make one lose focus.
Sinema will run again, and she knows she has to improve her favorable because if she doesn’t, her career will be history. Let us continue to show respect and courtesy while using our activism to educate her on why she should change her stance. She will have to do something because right now, her whole career in politics is in peril.