Where did the money go?

So right now in Arizona, a sham of an audit that is really not an audit is taking place. And all across the country, hopeful GOP candidates wait breathlessly for the endorsement of the former guy. And there’s something else that these GOP extremists are waiting for. That something is money. Money makes the world go round, especially in the land of the GOP.
Money and power are seemingly the only things that make sense to the insurrectionist party.
But these people may be waiting a long time because Trump has raised some money. However, sadly for the insurrectionist party, not one penny of it is gone to them. The Arizona non-audit has not received a single dime from the orange buffoon. Likewise, none of the wimpy GOP candidates have received money either. They must indeed be waiting and wondering… Where is the money?
Well, Trump was spending money on something. Reports indicated more than 8 million of the funds raised for him went to (try not to be shocked now)–lawyers!
I can understand this. The man is up to his neck in litigation and surely needs to pay his attorneys, who by now are probably demanding the money upfront given the blabbering idiot’s record of never paying his bills.
So alas, the sham of the Arizona audit will not see any money from the king of insurrection, at least it hasn’t yet, and there is no reason to believe it will in the future.
And in that regard, GOP candidates foaming at the mouth at the thought of getting their grubby fingers on some cash will have to seek it elsewhere, at least for now.