What now, Mike Pence?

One the most aggravating aspects of the Trump-MAGA world is that their targeted sadistic harassment, often against Republicans, makes us sympathetic toward people we loathe. Mike Pence’s harrowing experience during the Capitol attack is the most extreme example of this.
Mr. Mother, the Coronavirus Czar whose first move in fighting Covid-19 was to hold a prayer meeting photo-op, Trump’s sycophantic lackey of four years became the object of sincere empathy when the rioters erected a gallows on the Capitol steps and marauded through the halls of Congress screaming ‘HANG TRAITOR PENCE!’ intent on assassinating him for not overturning the election. Luckily, he and his family were whisked to safety in the nick of time.
Pence’s politics are an anathema to Democrats and he’s been the object of much derision, but there’s isn’t blood lust for him personally. You’d assume his own party, has since rallied around him right? Hardly. He’s been excised like a tumor. Republicans have turned a blind eye to his near literal sacrifice to Trump at the Capitol.
Not to mention, Louis Gohmert actually sued Pence to try to force him to overturn the election weeks before. Mike Pence spent his entire career in service to the right wing conservative movement, and as a reward he’s been pilloried by the GOP because he wouldn’t illegally install Trump as president, something he couldn’t have done even if he’d tried. This is where our elected Republicans are at.