What a disaster for Marjorie Taylor Greene

Congressional terrorist Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-Georgia) recently sat down for an interview on a local cable access TV show. I think she was expecting legions of dedicated fans to call in and praise her and Orange F—k Face (OFF). Yeah, that’s not what happened though. People called in to tell one of America’s dumbest members of Congress exactly what they thought of her and her pall OFF:
Not all heroes wear capes. pic.twitter.com/oLDU3Ej34n
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) January 26, 2022
After a caller said Greene an “is an embarrassment to the state of Georgia” the show’s host tried to say everyone had their own opinions, but the caller responded she had hers regarding Greene. All while Greene sat there smiling awkwardly.
Of course, Greene and too many people in Georgia are simply incapable of feeling any sort of embarrassment. Along with empathy, compassion, or even a sense of decency. This is a woman who engaged in hateful attacks against other members of Congress, like she did when she said my Representative Ilhan Omar was part of a “jihad squad.”
Greene is much more than an embarrassment to Georgia or the country. She is a living embodiment of the “spirit of party” Washington warned us about in his 1796 farewell address. Washington said that spirit “serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.” She has done these things in her quest for fame and power and unblinking support of OFF.
While shaming Marjorie Taylor Greene will have little effect since she and her supporters obviously have no sense of shame, I hope that there are enough decent people in Georgia who are ashamed and will turn out to vote her out this November.