We can do this
If there is one thing I hate in politics, it’s the politics of assumptions. The media does this quite frequently. And they are doing it right now in regards to the 2022 midterms.
For weeks now, whenever the subject of 2022 comes up, it’s assumed by almost all in the media that the Democrats will lose House and Senate seats. The talk has become pervasive. The truth is nobody knows what will happen. And there is no reason why the Democrats can not only win but gain many seats.
Let’s break this down. We can start with the 2020 election. How many times did we hear that “beating an incumbent President is very difficult?”
It may have been “very difficult,” but we did it. You did it. We got our people to the polls, and we won by large margins. We now have the Presidency, the House, and the Senate.
Now let’s look at the special elections in Georgia. There were two Senate seats up for grabs.
Most in The Media didn’t even bother to debate. There was a belief that Mitch McConnell would run the Senate. This was talked about so much it was difficult not to feel resentment.
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell didn’t do this. And there is another media company that didn’t. That is The Palmer Report. That’s why when someone attacks The Palmer Report as supposedly not being accurate, throw this little nugget at them.
So, we won in Georgia. We won not one but both seats. The media was in shock. We can do it again in the midterms as long as we don’t get lazy. And we won’t. If we can pull off what we did in the other two elections, it will be a great thing. And with America on its way upward, there is no reason to think we will not.