Tucker Carlson goes completely off the white supremacist deep end

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

There are some people in this world one would rather avoid. I am sure you have encountered one or more of these types yourself. They are the people who give off what I call a “stay away” vibe. It’s something to do with their energy. There is a feeling of inherent toxicity about them, and one does not even have to know them well to feel they are bad news.

Tucker Carlson is such a person. Tyrannical Tucker hosts a very successful show on Troll TV (Fox News). Many people do not see him as a person to stay away from because they faithfully tune in every night to see what the young racist has to say. And that gives him power. And like most of his ilk, he does not choose to use that power for good.

In recent years, Tucker’s rhetoric has become more and more dangerous. And this past week, I believe he crossed a line. Tucker appeared to endorse the “White replacement theory.” This is a White Nationalist view that immigrants are disenfranchising White votes because they’re…well, because they’re not white. It is racist and despicable.
The outcry was swift, with the Anti-Defamation League calling on Troll TV to fire its racist host.

Sadly, I doubt this will happen. I am not sure what Carlson would have to do to get fired. I am pretty sure that unless their pocketbooks are affected, Fox will do nothing.

But activists should continue the outcries and continue to speak up about this deplorable ghoul. If ratings go down and more sponsors continue to drop, it may have an impact.

There is a limit for everyone, even Troll TV. If it does not happen over this, I believe it will be over something else. When more people tune him out than tune in, then Fox will have to move on him.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer