This should wipe that smirk off Matt Gaetz’s face

One thing that is so important for people is to have knowledge. And if one is not knowledgeable on something they would like to know, it is essential to look for answers. Knowledge makes all of us better. It is important to have critical thinking skills.
When I was growing up, I was fortunate. I went to great schools that gave me some knowledge that I could build on. One of those things was Critical Race Theory. This is not something the GOP would like people to know about. The insurrection party is currently engaged in a war against Critical Race Theory. One of the people who oppose the teaching of CRT is one Matt Gaetz.
Gaetz (insurrection party-Florida) received quite a smackdown from Army General Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I am sure many of you saw it. And it was a great thing to see. Milley’s speech, I believe, was one of the best.
It was filled with courage, intelligence, and knowledge. And Gaetz, who is already losing his sanity, simply could not listen to this strong and intelligent man. So, as the camera panned in, we saw what I am going to refer to as “the smirk seen round the world.” Gaetz, his pompadour looking more unpleasant than ever, proceeded to give us all a smarmy and oily smirk.
I think this whole exchange highlights the importance of knowledge. Gaetz will come to regret this smirk as he will most likely come to regret many of his life choices. Milley hit back on Gaetz, and he did it brilliantly. His words brimmed over with knowledge. And Gaetz? All he did was show us once again that he is filled with the opposite of knowledge which is ignorance. Do not look for that to change anytime soon.