This is whacked out even for Rand Paul

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Rand Paul has said something stupid again. Yeah, I know, that’s pretty much a given any day of the week. This time he said that he hopes that the “trucker protests” over COVID related mandates spill over into the United States, disrupt events like the Super Bowl, “and clog things up” in US cities.

This comes at a time when the antics of these protestors are not only making life difficult for Ottawa residents but is causing pain for Americans too. With the blockade of the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, these idiots seriously disrupted the automobile industry on both sides of the border. Michigan workers are projected to lose $51 million in lost wages due to these temper tantrums after manufacturers like GM and Ford were forced to curtail operations due to the supply reductions. Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security has advised law enforcement to be aware of the potential of disruption by anti-vax idiots both this month as well as next month, especially when the President delivers his first State of the Union Address next month.

So how does Rand choose to respond? Does he act responsibly for once in his rather useless life? No, of course not. He decided to throw a canister of chlorine trifluoride (the most flammable substance known to our science) on the fire by encouraging these extremists to disrupt American cities, all because he wants to sabotage the government response to the pandemic. Rand proves yet again that he is what his neighbor and the vast majority of Americans already know he is, low life, lying, four flushing sack of liquid bovine manure.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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