The stakes just got even higher in the 2021 race for Governor of Virginia

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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If any Virginians were watching the other evening, there was a debate between two would-be Virginia Governors. McAuliffe, of course, won handily. Terry, as I have said on numerous occasions, is a kind and genuine man. He is well-liked and, during the debate, lit into his opponent, Glen Youngkin.

Now here is the thing about Youngkin. He is a supporter of the orange traitor, but he seems earnestly bent on trying NOT to let Virginians know that. All the while, he is attempting to keep IQ45 happy. And all this underhanded work he is doing seems to be sucking the energy out of him.

Youngkin was on the defensive. Terry accused him — rightfully so — of being a fan of the orange creampuff. I think someone should perhaps write a book on Youngkin and title it: “How to be a sycophant while pretending NOT to be a sycophant.” That just about describes Youngkin.

Youngkin does NOT believe in mask mandates and would not enforce them. He had to be PRODDED recently into admitting President Biden won the election. Youngkin was asked during the debate if ANY vaccine should EVER be required. Including, for example, vaccines for mumps.

He proceeded to babble. Youngkin also said he’d support the lawsuit loser if he were to run in 2024. One could see he was NOT happy having to admit this.

My question to Youngkin would be this: “How can we trust you to stand up for Virginians when you will not even stand up to one orange traitor?”

In any event — if everybody reading this article, minus trolls and MAGA bots would pin a “Vote Virginia!” on their social, it could make a world of difference. I do not like that the polls are close. I want to see Terry run away with this. Virginia cannot and must not ever go red again. So it is up to us to make sure it does not.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – we're going to win this election! Help support Palmer Report at this crucial time:
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