New trouble for Marco Rubio

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Marco Rubio has been letting down the good people of Florida for what seems like forever. And as the midterms draw closer, it appears the Democrats have an opening to send the meek Senator packing. And our chances just got better.

The Orlando Sentinel has come out with a powerful article written by their Editorial Board. The title of the piece is “Time to give up on Marco Rubio, who will never do the right thing if there’s any risk.”

And it’s quite an article. The Sentinel specifically calls out Rubio for his hypocrisy in voting against forming a January sixth commission to investigate the insurrection.

“We always hold out hope Rubio will do the right thing, and he almost always disappoints,” the piece goes on. The powerful editorial reminds people that Rubio was for this commission a mere few weeks ago. The article goes on to call Rubio “beyond hope.”

“We’ve been waiting a decade for Rubio to do the right thing,” the article continues.

This is a compelling piece of writing, and it is also absolutely correct. Rubio IS beyond hope. He will never do the right thing because he cannot.

Some people are brave. Their bravery comes out in their work, like the Capitol police who battled a group of deranged insurrectionists on January sixth.

Other people, such as Rubio, don’t have it in them. Rubio is a follower, not a leader. He’s been doing everything he can to distract. From suggesting we investigate space aliens to tweeting out Bible verses, all this is a distraction to cover the fact that Rubio is unwilling or unable to show courage.

And this lack of courage will be his undoing because he is about to go up against a woman with courage the likes of which the cowardly Senator has never seen and will not be able to understand. Kudos to the Sentinel for a dynamic and forceful article.

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