Texas Republican Party has gone completely round the bend

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Even as Texas becomes more and more purple (thanks in large part to the former guy’s presidency), our conservative leaders have gone just about as far right as possible, if not totally lost their minds. They are in the process of putting unprecedented restrictions on voting in a state where it is already arguably the most difficult place to vote, banning abortion after only six weeks of pregnancy, and lifting all restrictions on openly carrying a handgun in public — background checks, permits, and training no longer required.

When did Republicans simply stop caring about what the majority of voters want, if they even care about voters or their constituents at all? Do they really think this is a winning strategy for 2022, or are they just certain they can control the outcome of the election? The law and order party did not even pay attention to the fact that their so-called beloved law enforcement strongly opposed the lunacy of their open-carry gun law.

These are gifts that even the most extremely conservative voters never expected to receive, yet here we are. We’re getting emails from Gov. Greg Abbott which appear to be begging the question — please tell me you agree with this craziness. Hell no, we don’t.

The Republicans are passing any and every law possible as if this will be their very last opportunity to do so. Well, they should read the writing on the wall and beware that the rest of us will be doing everything within our power to make sure that is the case.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.