Ted Cruz makes a mess

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What is happening in Afghanistan is a tragedy. I think we all can agree on that. And for the last week, we have watched gleeful pundits play the blame game. President Biden has received the brunt of the blame.

This has, on occasion, angered me. As Bill Palmer said in his article “What we’ve lost,” if you want to put the blame on Biden, fine — just explain how you would have done it differently.

But there is much blame to go around. I have heard scant mention of the fact that it was President Bush who brought us into a war we should never have been in. I have not heard much about the fact that one of the men the former guy let out of prison is now leading the Taliban.

Yes, there is much blame to go around. But you know who else I’d like to throw into the mix? Senator Ted Cruz. When it comes to Cruz, I am reminded of the expression, “While Rome burns….”

Right now, there are a plethora of vacancies in President Biden’s cabinet. There are many security vacancies. And why is that? Well it is because Senator Cruz is holding up the confirmation process.

Nearly every single national security nominee of Biden’s is being held up by Cruz, who apparently thinks it’s funny to leave a long list of vacant positions.

Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut actually pleaded with Cruz to stop doing this and let the confirmation process go smoothly. “Something awful could happen,” the Senator pleaded. Cruz said no.

So in our quest for blame here, let us remember and never forget that while Afghanistan fell and thousands run for their lives, trying to get to the United States and other places, Senator Cruz sits, fiddling with the confirmation process that would allow intelligent and competent people to do their jobs and help many.

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