Susan Collins is concerned

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I have news for you. It is perhaps news of the most important type.It is life-changing news. It is news that will shock you to the core, leaving your brain spinning as you attempt to digest this utterly unpredictable and world-changing news.

OK (deep breath here.) Here we go: Susan Collins is concerned.

Sigh. Snark is my middle name today.

So yes, the Maine Senator’s brow is once again furrowed. I will tell you why but first, a word about lady Collins.

I happen to have a particular dislike for those politicians who “pretend.” I find the ones who pretend to be in the middle, pretend to be about both sides–to be insidious. Some of those names include Collins, Haley, Megyn Kelly, JD Vance. These people are revolting.

One can say people like Cruz and Hawley are terrible and evil, and they’d be right.

But at least they make no bones about who they are. They’re part of the insurrection party. They know it, and we know it. But these “pretenders” drive me batty.

OK-The reason for the Senator’s deep concern is the January 6th commission. Lady Collins says it is “partisan,” and she is sad about it and concerned.

THAT’S what she’s worried about? With all that is going on, THIS is what she cares about?Collins is pissed that Pelosi dared to reject Jim One and Jim Two.

I really think on some level–and I could be wrong–Collins expected absolute adoration from Pelosi and the Democrats. I say this because whenever something doesn’t go her way, she complains Pelosi didn’t take her advice.

Susan Collins is concerned. But she is concerned that Pelosi made a decision on something she didn’t like.

Her concern has nothing to do with the American people. It has to do with the ego of Susan Collins. THAT is why she is taken so much less seriously than she would like.

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