Ron DeSantis just got ripped to pieces

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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More bad news for Governor Ron DeSantis. Does it ever stop? The answer to that question is no, it does not. At least it does not stop when you are a terribly incompetent Governor and a morally bankrupt person, seemingly intent on killing as many Floridians as humanly possible.

DeSantis has been flailing wildly now, trying to get back the love he seemed to have had for so long. In reality, that love was never his. It was smoke and mirrors, created by gleaming-eyed pundits who needed a story, saw one and ran with it.

So, to prove my point, I come bearing gifts. And one gift is especially noteworthy. It is an editorial by the Miami Herald. And it is about DeSantis. No shining love is found anywhere here. DeSantis, screwing up yet again, had commented getting the COVID vaccine was a personal choice.

The Miami Herald thinks differently, as does the majority of America. Here is what the Herald had to say in their editorial:

“Your ‘personal choice’ not to get COVID vaccine is putting our ‘healthcare heroes’ at risk.”

“Getting the COVID vaccine is not a “personal choice.” It never was, really, but the onslaught of cases fueled by the delta variant has removed any doubt.”

“And yet that’s not what Florida’s governor would have you believe.”

This is just the beginning. Everybody should read this editorial. It is a searing and intense take-down of the selfish and destructive Governor and needs to be read. And it also shatters the myth, carefully scripted by yearning pundits everywhere, that DeSantis is anything more than the flavor of the year.

The man can’t govern. On top of that, he has no social skills and makes dental floss look exciting by comparison. I believe we stand an excellent chance of ousting Ronny the ridiculous in 2022, but we will need to work hard. Thank you, Miami Herald, for speaking truth to power.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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