Ron DeSantis is in freefall

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The reckoning is here. Sometimes a story comes along that is so shocking and so bizarre that it just takes your breath away. Here is one such story. Of course, it involves the Governor of Florida — Ron “I have no empathy” DeSantis.

Let’s first go back to the days when the Governor’s popularity was surging. He was the media darling. Everybody loved the guy — everybody in the GOP, that is. He was the anointed one. Like a noble General about to go into war, the insurrection party poured their faith furiously into the would-be-candidate.

Money poured into his coffers. Fundraisers were held. The GOP thought he might be THE ONE. Remember the pendulum, my friends? Pendulums may swing one way, but they always – ALWAYS have the ability to swing in the other direction.

As the Governor and his motley band of foot soldiers celebrated, could they know perhaps the tide was turning? The pendulum had already begun. And once that happens — it is very difficult to unring that bell.

The grim news for the Governor isn’t good. The polls have turned against him. The former guy has stopped speaking about him. No longer is he spoken about in glowing terms. Yet, like so many before him, his hubris will not allow him to help himself or the state he represents.

Even as his battle is lost, as his friends begin to doubt, as his warring with virtually everyone from politicians to teachers heats up, he is helpless to turn the battle in his favor.

And now the Orlando Sentinel has come out with an article telling us the Governor has not applied for $820 million in SNAP benefits. Does he even comprehend how much this could hurt Floridians, particularly children?

He has lost the battle AND the war. He fiddled while Rome burned. Julius Caesar said: ‘It’s only hubris if I fail.” That’s the thing about hubris, though. When one wraps themselves in a cloth of it, when one is oblivious to their own arrogance, one has no other option but failure.

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