Ron DeSantis blows it again

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Are you like me, my friends? Do you have a special affinity for the sea? I do. In Greek Mythology, Poseidon was the God of the sea, and I used to love reading about him. The sea offers people not only an escape from day-to-day living but a chance to fall into the sound of crashing waves. Seagulls dance happily.

People relax and watch the cool and glittering waters where underneath lies so much that we do not know Another way to enjoy the majesty of the ocean is by taking a cruise. And one of the most popular cruise lines is Norwegian cruises. Norwegian is well known. And Norwegian Cruises wants something. They want to set sail knowing ALL their passengers are safe from danger. But Governor Ron DeSantis seems doggedly determined not to let that happen.

The cruise line and the Governor have been engaged in a war of words for quite a while now. Norwegian wants proof of vaccination. DeSantis wants proof of NO vaccination or indeed proof of anything, citing as always “personal freedom.”

But in the latest ruling, a judge ruled against the killer Governor. Norwegian had asked the court to challenge DeSantis on the law he signed into office banning all cruise lines from requiring proof of vaccination. It seems the court agreed with Norwegian.

DeSantis is not happy about this and reportedly is appealing. No surprise there. The Governor has absolutely zero accomplishments during his dreadful time in office except being responsible for negligence and absolute idiocy regarding his handling of COVID.

We still do not know where this will go on appeals, but congratulations to Norwegian for doing the right thing. Maybe THEY should be put in charge of Florida’s COVID crisis management instead of this terrible Governor.

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