Mitch McConnell is falling to pieces

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Which is it, Mitch? Do you want the oligarchy or not? More to the point, do you want the corporate money or not?

Perhaps Mitch McConnell thinks that his multi-trillion (!) dollar tax gift to the 1% will temper this about-face. (Not that it actually is an about-face, of course; Mitch is as two-faced as any Janus wanna-be.) More than likely, Mitch understands in his vast experience of pulling the wool of his constituents’ eyes that nothing he said about his rankling under politically-motivated action by the corporate class should be taken seriously.

It’s the optics, though. The Left-stream Media (sic) is replete with replays of the Old Terrapin drawling in his signature groan that corporations should never stick their nose in politics. He saves himself from a full-on Bernie-attack by adding the proviso that his sponsors can still donate as much as they wish in their even-handed largesse.

See, kind of looks bad; channeling AOC and then dropping to your knees as a spineless mendicant. It must give certain CEOs pause for thought.

Mitch is casting about to find the rhythm again, it would appear. It’s as if he’s at the square-dance and went into Do-si-do when the rest of country went Allemande Left.

Mitch has opposed what upwards of three quarters of Americans want. The droopy-jowled minority leader has voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, supported the New Jim Crow laws in Georgia and has warned that Biden’s infrastructure plan is a ‘Trojan horse’ that will require ‘massive tax increases’.

Mitch would much prefer to simply serve the corporate oligarchy with huge no-bid government contracts and feed the military-industrial complex.

It’s so much simpler when your only priority is making the donor class so rich that they’ll share their ill-gotten gains with their servile facilitators.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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