Mike Pompeo goes off the deep end

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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They knew. They all knew. They knew, and they said nothing. They knew, and they stood by. They were willing to perpetuate a lie — a con — smearing a good man’s reputation, all in the name of imagined power they do not have and never will again. They are traitors.

I am, my friends and readers, referring to Mark Meadows. And Mike Pompeo — especially Pompeo because he plans to run for President in 2024, not that he has a chance of winning.

His presidential aspirations are over, although he might not yet be aware of that fact. He is a bit slow on the uptake. It all came out the other day. Remember how just a few days ago, many were calling General Mark Milley a traitor? How dare he go rogue! How DARE he betray his country!

That’s the thing about con artists — when their con is discovered, they look quite foolish. I always struggle with disbelief. Just when I think I have heard everything, a new low is trotted out. It was revealed that Milley never went “rogue.” In fact, plenty of people knew about his call to China, including wanna-be President Mike “smirking” Pompeo.

No apologies yet. I remember well the outcry from the GOP just a week or so ago about Milley. He was tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion. And that includes some of the “liberal” media.

Of course, it was just another lie. Milley is a hero. It is Mike Pompeo who stood by and LIED about what he knew. It is Pompeo who was willing to let the reputation of this great General be squandered into dust. It is Pompeo who is the traitor.

And why? To score a few points with his orange master? Is that so vital? Mike Pompeo needs to apologize and also show some shame, but of course, he will not. The new thing among the GOP is “admit nothing.” So, why should it be any different with Pompeo?

In any event, his Presidential aspirations are over. I’d prefer never to hear this person’s name again. He has betrayed this country with his lies and insincerity. May history remember him as the coward he is.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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