Marjorie Taylor Greene whines like a baby as it all goes wrong for her
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is one of the newest faces of the QAnon party. While she’s not good at representing her constituents in GA-14, she represents the backwards GOP quite accurately. In her few weeks in Congress, she’s proved herself to be a proponent of the Big Lie and outlandish right-wing conspiracy theories. She’s shown herself to be a bully to her colleagues and an antagonist to marginalized communities with her unbecoming conduct. She’s also no champion of suffrage.
As details about Republicans’ extreme voter-suppression efforts appear in the media, we’re also hearing more about Democrats’ pro-voter, pro-democracy HR 1 (For the People Act) and HR 4 (John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act). It’s well known that the GOP is the party of whiteness and evangelical grievance, and this is a position the party refuses to abandon. Fearful that voters won’t choose the GOP, the GOP has decided that it will try to choose its voters, disenfranchising as many of us non-Republicans as possible. This week the House began debating election integrity as a prelude to debating HR 1 and HR 4.
Once again, Greene has chosen to use her national platform and far-reaching megaphone to complain that conservatives are somehow being oppressed. During a House debate in which she announced her opposition to HR 1, Greene nonsensically said “real voter suppression” is attributable to safety measures taken by Congress since the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Greene whined that members of Congress must “stand in long lines to enter the chamber, going through metal detectors, emptying our pockets.” Greene’s ire is misdirected and it’s clear she doesn’t want equal voting rights. We’ve yet to see Rep. Greene be on the proper side of any debate.
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