Maricopa County officials slam dunk Arizona election “audit” loons

The Arizona “audit” grows more freaky and bizarre with each passing day. The Arizona Senate (crazy, insurrection party) is now demanding Maricopa County turn over voter records, ballot envelopes, or images of said envelopes and routers. Why?
This is a very interesting question that can best be answered with a short and sweet explanation. Because they’re batshit crazy. They’re all nutters-each and every one of them. But what had me in absolute hysterics with this bizarre story is the written response from Maricopa County. Here is the letter in all its glory:
“Dear Senators,
It is now August of 2021. The election of 2020 is over. If you haven’t figured out that the election in Maricopa County was free, fair, and accurate yet, I’m not sure you ever will.
The reason you haven’t finished your “audit” is because you hired people who have no experience with little understanding of how professional elections are run.
The board has real work to do and little time to entertain this adventure in never-never land.
Please finish whatever it is that you are doing and release whatever it is you are going to release. I am confident that our staff and volunteers ran the election as prescribed by federal and state law.
There was no fraud, there wasn’t an injection of ballots from Asia nor was there a satellite that beamed votes into our election equipment.
It’s time for all election officials to tell the truth and stop encouraging conspiracies. Release your report and be prepared to defend any accusations of misdeeds in court. It’s time to move on.”
Sigh. Bliss. What makes this even more hilarious is that MAGA is on Twitter screaming like the lunatics they are about this joyous letter.
“What are they hiding?” MAGA is screeching.
The MAGA hurricane is always pissed about something, so their fury isn’t news, but I thought I’d include it because it is pretty amusing. And thank you, Maricopa County, for a perfect letter indeed.