Marco Rubio is having a really bad day

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It’s a bird; it’s a plane; it’s Marco Rubio! Yes, the whiny Floridian is back in the News. But not for the reasons you might think. Rubio (whiny Senator who nobody takes seriously) is spouting off on a new subject that he demands we all take very seriously. And that subject, my friends is-wait for it-UFO’s.

Unidentified flying objects are the new GOP subject of choice – or at least Rubio’s. “I want us to take it seriously and have a process to take it seriously,” said Rubio earnestly. And Rubio is very concerned about our skies and what’s in them.

“Maybe it has a very simple answer,” Rubio said profoundly. “Maybe it doesn’t.” Cue Twilight Zone music. Look, I am not offering any opinion on the existence of UFOs. Maybe they do exist. Anything’s possible.

But this country has much on its plate right now. It would appear that Rubio is hoping to make UFOS one of them. It also seems clear what Rubio is trying to do. I do not believe Rubio cares all that much about unidentified flying objects. I think there is a name for what Rubio is doing, and it’s called identified lying deflection.

Marco does not want to be asked about the former guy. He does NOT want to be asked about Liz Cheney. He is trying to distract. If Rubio wants to give up his Senate seat and investigate this subject, which I think is a good idea, he could head out to some cornfields and look for signs. He may be excellent as a UFO hunter.

But given that Val Demmings (great candidate-Democrat-Florida) will reportedly be running against Rubio for his Senate seat, I’d say he is worried about the wrong things.

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