MAGA maniacs wallow in their misery

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We had great news this week! Those of us who have been vaccinated don’t have to wear masks anymore! This was welcome news and a surprise. Of course, if one wants to, one can still choose to mask up. I still plan to wear a mask for a while, even though I am fully vaccinated. Still, it is nice to see some good news in regards to the pandemic.

At least it is good news for some people. The MAGA klan is, as usual, unhappy. Many are spitting with rage. Why though? Isn’t this what they wanted? Shouldn’t this news be cause for celebration? No.

When it comes to the MAGA crowd, nothing is cause for celebration. The MAGAS have been melting down since this news broke. Comments like “I haven’t been wearing my mask for MONTHS” and “Anyone who still wears a mask is neurotic” are but a few choice comments swirling about Twitter by the motley MAGAs. Why does nothing please these people? I have a theory.

When people experience pleasure, their brain releases dopamine. It’s a chemical closely involved in the brain’s pleasure center. It’s linked to the reward center of the brain.

But Dopamine has a downside. When someone has an excessive need for something such as alcohol or drugs, they crave that “feeling” that Dopamine produces. And I believe that many a MAGA are addicted to hate.

The Trump crowd shows the same outward signs as many addicts. For many MAGAS, their whole lives revolve around Trump. They are addicted to his hate, addicted to his anger. They crave it more and more. In these cases, they cannot be happy about anything that does not include him.

Until these people get the help they need, this will likely not change. But we can celebrate this news, regarding masks. America is blossoming under President Biden and will continue to do so.

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