Lost in the abyss

There are two major political parties in America. One of them, The Democrats, stands for fair and free elections. They stand for Health care as a right for every American. They stand for LGBTQ rights and a rise in the minimum wage. They stand for working to combat climate change, raising the minimum wage, and providing sensible Gun safety legislation.
What do the Republicans stand for? That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. What do Republican candidates want for America? What is their platform? Here is what I’ve concluded the Republican party’s platform currently consists of: Cancel culture regarding Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Seuss.
Making sure elections are not free and fair and that it should be as difficult as possible for minorities to vote.
They stand for anarchy and sedition. Many of them seem to think America’s January 6th terrorists were kind and gentle people, so I guess they stand for no prison terms for insurrectionists.
They are also the party of COVID denial and the belief that hungry American citizens do not deserve any money or help. This is evidenced by the fact that not one Republican, including Mitt Romney and “I’m so concerned” Susan Collins, voted for said relief.
They seem to stand for the belief it’s fine to solicit sex from escort sites since they haven’t spoken one word about their colleague Matt Gatez who allegedly did just that.
They stand for no action on gun reform. In other words, my friends, the Republican Party is against almost everything fair and decent, but they don’t stand for anything. But wait! There is one thing they profess to stand for. That’s Donald Trump. So, the Republican platform is “Trump is our savior.” That’s it. That’s their platform.