Justice Sotomayor strikes back

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There have been so many Supreme Court Justices acting out lately in very strange ways, it’s difficult to keep track. It has been, frankly, amazing to hear about. But it is my pleasure to today write a story about a different type of Justice. This Supreme Court Justice is a fiery and brilliant woman, and she just did something that matters.

The story begins in New York City. There is a Covid vaccine mandate there that was about to go into effect. This mandate says that teachers in New York and other school employees must get vaccinated.

Some teachers (and others) did not like this. And this is not a surprise either. It is not a surprise because one can go to any city or mid-size town these days and see signs — sometimes even billboards –voicing opposition to mask mandates. These signs seem to be everywhere, and they show no sign of stopping anytime soon.

However, these particular vaccine protesters in New York filed an emergency injunction with the Supreme Court to stop the mandate from taking effect. The case went to Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Justice Sotomayor is the Justice who handles emergency injunctions in New York. So, it would be up to her as to whether the Court would hear the case.

And she promptly dismissed it. Sotomayor denied the request and did not even take it to other members, as is the right of every Justice in situations such as this. Bravo! It is lovely indeed to hear that SOME sanity still remains on the Court. Who knows how many lives Sotomayor just saved? We, the people, thank her deeply.

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