Judge Jeanine Pirro hits rock bottom

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There have been so many great political quotes:

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
John F. Kennedy

“Leave Bambi out of this!!!!”
Judge Jeanine Pirro

Sorry, not sorry for the snark! When it comes to Jeanine Pirro, snark is about all I can muster because who on earth could take this woman seriously?

So Pirro went a bit nuts on her Fox Non-News show this weekend. She was screaming into the abyss of hate about guns.

Pirro was hissing and spitting so much I was slightly surprised not to see drool ricocheting around the screen. She was pretty upset at our President for talking about crime. And one of her gripes is about the 2nd amendment.

That is no surprise. The GOP loves the narrative of imaginary and non-existent strangers coming to take your guns away. But Pirro seemed fixated on deer.

“Who says the 2nd Amendment is all about deer hunting” she screamed.

Earnestly explaining that people can own guns for many different reasons, Pirro inexplicably stated: “Leave Bambi out of this.”

I’d have to agree with that statement, only not for the reasons her unhinged brain might think. I happen to love deer and do not believe in hunting them. Somehow I doubt this is what the motley Judge was referring to.

I understand the views of many pundits seem to be “anything for ratings,” but I think one should always try to make sense when one speaks. This did not happen this weekend with Pirro, but then again, that isn’t anything new for any of the Fox Non-News hosts.

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