Incoherent Mike Lindell goes bonkers about “Trunker Carlson”

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Things are getting interesting, to say the least, between a certain person and an unhinged non-news network. The person is Mike Lindell, king of all things pillow, and the network is, of course, Fox Non-News, a propaganda machine of hate.

There does appear to be some hard feelings there — at least on the part of Lindell. Lindell had removed his pillow ads from the miserable hate network after even they balked at running an ad for Lindell saying the election was stolen.

According to Huffington Post, Lindell melted down while speaking with One America News Network, a hate station that makes Fox look like the Brady Bunch.

Referring to Fox, he held nothing back. “The truth is, you’re not saying anything on your show,” Lindell bellowed manically.

He specifically singled out Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.

Lindell also attempted to speak about Tucker Carlson but hit a snag. That snag is that Lindell evidently could not remember Tucker’s name.

He wound up referring to the littler pipsqueak as “Trunker Carlson.” Or maybe it was “Trucker Carlson.”

I’m sorry, Truck drivers. As for Lindell, he seems focused on an attack he says happened at his symposium that many believe never happened. Lindell needs help badly, and Fox Non-news badly needs to have its number one pundit canceled.

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