Greg Abbott goes off the deep end

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Not to be outdone by Florida Governor Ron DeSatan, Texas Governor Greg Abbott also signed an executive order prohibiting the government from requiring “vaccine passports.” DeSatan also thinks that private businesses should not have the ability to require its customers to have a vaccine. I’m now waiting for some of the other idiots squatting in Gubernatorial offices throughout this country—such as the Covid sisters Kim (Reynolds) and Kristi (Noem) of Iowa and South Dakota respectively—to try to outdo Abbott or DeSatan.

I wonder what happened to all that sanctimony about private businesses being able to do what they want? Oh, that’s right. That’s only for allowing businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ and minorities. That’s only for those businesses who do what the religious extremists and dark money interests that funded the GQP do what these groups want. In the Republican mindset, private businesses should not stand up to racist voter suppression like MLB, Coca-Cola, or Delta did in Georgia. Nor should they be allowed to protect their employees and other customers by requiring vaccinations or even masks.

I have a news flash for all the Covidiots infesting various elective offices. Proof of vaccination is something that has been required for years for school, travel, and other businesses. This is nothing new. When I started both undergrad and law school, I had to present proof of vaccination for several different diseases. This was to protect not only me but school staff, and other students as well.

Both Dr. Fauci and the WHO have said that mandatory vaccine passports are not something they support. Meaning these moves against vaccine passports are more grandstanding and bullshit to enflame the GQP base and further sabotage the response to the pandemic rather than actual concern about Americans.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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