Down goes Rick Santorum

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Congratulations CNN! You’ve finally finally done the right thing. And it sure took you long enough. So, CNN has at last done the right thing. They have fired the idiotic CNN contributor who is Rick Santorum.

Santorum has been on the network for quite a while and has well passed his expiration date. The Pennsylvanian has contributed nothing of value to CNN and has become more belligerent and racist in recent months.

Santorum was condemned recently for comments he made about Native Americans. Here is part of what he said: “I mean, yes, we have Native Americans … but candidly, that-there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

Santorum’s statements were laced with condescension, vitriol and showed what an uneducated tool he is. The comments caused an uproar, rightfully so.

But for some inexplicable reason, CNN kept the foul-mouthed Santorum on. He tried to walk back his comments on Chris Cuomo’s show, but that did not go over well. Don Lemon, in particular, was rightfully incensed.

But Santorum’s time with the network is no more! On Saturday, a spokesperson for the network said that they had “parted ways” with him. And according to multiple reports, these horrible comments by Santorum were part of the reason he and CNN parted ways.

The other reason might be that the network has been inundated with furious calls for them to dump Santorum. And he has appeared less and less on the show.

So, now, finally, we will no longer have to see this guy and hear his disgusting rhetoric. CNN should have done this much sooner but better late than never.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.