Don’t look over here, look over there!

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The GQP tactic is a double-barrel one; not so much a scatter-gun as it is one handled by Elmer Fudd with barrels askew. What the GQP are executing is a move that is the reverse/obverse of the classic Pincer Movement.

The Pincer Movement is a two-pronged attack. Both the left and right flanks of the enemy are attacked simultaneously while pressure is exerted on the center. Examples of the Pincer Movement are many; the Zulus were renown for this tactic against the British.

The GQP attack is two-pronged, but its attack is in opposite, outwards directions. The primary target of the attack is that which is not there. The assault is against a chimera of their own invention; CRT, election fraud, etc. By doing this they purport to control the battle by actually defining what the enemy is.

The first assault came in the session grilling AG Garland about domestic terrorism, PTAs and disrupted school board meetings. Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz (Reptile-TX) and Tom Cotton (Rat-AR), bellowed and wailed in the first salvo of the attack. They claimed without evidence that the Garland DOJ was coming after them, prosecuting them, hounding them(!) as political opponents. Worse, it seems, Mr Ted accused the honorable AG of breaking his sworn oath to the Senator. (Cue the fainting couch!) This might be called the ‘Poor Us’ arm of the attack.

Launched simultaneously, the other arm of the assault goes in the opposite direction and targets a separate phantom menace. In this case, the phantom is the notion that the Trumpers are winning and getting away with it all! This attack is more of an assault by infiltrator; a False Flag Op – GQP trolls play-acting Dems. The illusion is generated by agent provocateurs claiming that AG Garland – and the entire DOJ – is doing nothing about January 6 or any of the Trump crimes!

Upon hearing the false reports from infiltrators, a clamor of panic then ripples through the Dem ranks causing dismay and defeatism. Call this the ‘All Is Lost’ arm of the assault.

Can it be affirmed that such is the case with Garland? Depends on which you accept; fact or alt/fact.

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