Coming down to the wire

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Republicans reach new lows every day. In 2016, they changed their platform in favor of Russia, over Ukraine. In 2020, they eliminated their platform all together. For the 2022 midterms, they are against women rights, voting rights, climate science, and Federal safety nets. The GOP’s vision for America is more like that of Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

The 1936 Iranian leader Reza Shah banned women from wearing headscarves in public. Ironically, the result was mostly uncovered, educated, working women. In 1979, the hijab became mandatory for women in public. In both cases, men dictated how women behaved in public. Currently, there are mass protests over the shocking death of Mahsa Amini while detained by the “morality patrol,” yet Iran’s unelected leader blithely lied, blaming foreigners.

It remains to be seen whether the brave women of Iran can bring change. A year ago, the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, and the Taliban took control. Women protested in droves, calling themselves “Powerful Women.” But today, their numbers have dwindled. That is how chilling these repression tactics are.

Logic and hypocrisy have no bearing. The GOP will do whatever it takes to stay in power. This week, an unhinged Marjorie Taylor Greene lied that Democrats are killing Republicans. The GOP lies to ban abortion. Democrats are working to dispel their lies. Stacey Abrams stated, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

As we saw on January 6, 2021, Republicans will go further than lying. Republican corruption has changed the planet’s climate. But now the political climate is changing. If SCOTUS had not overturned Roe, would Sheryl Sandberg, one of the most prominent female execs in America, have resigned as COO of Facebook, partnered with the ACLU, and dedicated millions to support abortion rights?

Republicans have sent us back 50 years and are trying to send us back even further. It’s crunch time. Get ten friends to register and vote November 8th.

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