Chris Christie goes off the deep end of the bridge
Sometimes one can have a great message, but the person delivering said message is not the right messenger. I speak directly of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. I think it is fair to say at this point, the scandal-plagued Christie wants to be a contender. He sure is acting like he does.
All over, no matter where one looks, one can find Christie sternly addressing Republicans, denouncing conspiracy theories, and pleading with the GOP to get back to the way they used to be. There are issues with all of this, however. And the biggest problem is Christie himself.
Christie is not going to be able to obtain the Presidency if that is his ultimate goal. The reason for this is because — absolutely nobody takes him seriously.
Unless I missed something here, Christie is deeply unpopular. MAGA hates him for what they see as his betrayal of the former guy. Democrats hate him for his “fall in line” mentality. Independents dislike him because of something having to do with traffic jams.
Bridgegate. Still to this day, when his name comes up, this is the first thing people remember. Now how is the man ever going to change that?
I should say, once, a long, LONG time ago, I think he would have had a chance. Christie, however, really bungled Bridgegate, which he has always insisted he did not know about and which skeptics everywhere have never believed. And I do not see him developing a core constituency. Who would that be?
So, alas, I believe we will not be seeing a President Christie. Of course, things could always change, and I’ve no doubt the man will try his hardest, but as of now, it doesn’t look good for the former Governor.