Boris Johnson just lost

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Over in the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boorish Johnson’s Conservative Party lost a special parliamentary election for a seat they won by 23,000 votes in 2019 by 6,000 votes this year to the Liberal Democrats. The election was held outside the normal cycle because the former Conservative officeholder broke lobbying rules and resigned.

The loss of the North Shropshire seat, which had been dominated by Conservative voted for about 200 years was deeply shocking to the party, with one member describing the loss as “kicking.” Another Conservative lawmaker described the loss to Liberal Democrat Helen Morgan as a referendum on Johnson.

Unlike his American doppelganger, members of Johnson’s party aren’t quite marching in lockstep. While there isn’t enough support among Conservatives to challenge his leadership, if he keeps on his current course I could see enough Conservative lawmakers deciding enough is enough to get Johnson out of office.

I’m hoping that sooner or later Boorish Johnson finds himself to be an ex-prime minister. Either through a leadership challenge or through elections. He’s almost as bad as Orange Florida Man.

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