Donald Trump’s abrupt vanishing act from Christmas tree lighting ceremony gets even stranger
Donald Trump now faces no-win decision on Saudi Arabia
Donald Trump panics, skips out on press pool
“Liar liar pants on fire” – Jerome Corsi crashes and burns in MSNBC interview
Twitter appears to suspend Vladimir Putin account
Looks like Robert Mueller just got the provable perjury he was seeking from Donald Trump
Stop listening to Donald Trump’s BS about pardons
Everyone piles on after Jerome Corsi rolls out laughable legal strategy against Robert Mueller
Donald Trump throws deranged fit about “treason”
Rudy Giuliani confessed five weeks ago
Wow is Donald Trump stupid
Today is going to be absolutely bonkers
Donald Trump’s legal team has conniption after his name is included in Trump-Russia indictment
Donald Trump has completely incoherent late night meltdown after he and Manafort get busted
Rudy Giuliani just nailed himself
As his treason scandal explodes, Donald Trump’s legal team begins floating the senility defense
Back when it first became clear more than a year and a half ago that Trump-Russia election collusion was eventually going to be overwhelmingly proven, Palmer Report predicted that Donald Trump’s last line of defense would be that he was too naive, clueless, or senile to know that his entire campaign was committing treason under…
Read MoreThis explains Donald Trump’s oddly specific complaints lately about Robert Mueller
Nice try, Donald Trump
Curious new move by alleged Russian spy Maria Butina
Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Trump-Russia treason is exposed
House Democrats zero in on Donald Trump Jr
How Robert Mueller just worked around Matthew Whitaker
Rudy Giuliani throws up his hands: “I don’t want to know”
So how did Paul Manafort get past those Julian Assange visitor logs?
Jerome Corsi has sold out Roger Stone after all – and things just turned ugly
Trump regime met with Ecuador just hours before news broke of Paul Manafort’s embassy meetings with Julian Assange
Donald Trump screws up, accidentally gives credit to President Obama
Conspiracy against the United States
Looks like Robert Mueller just busted Paul Manafort, Julian Assange, and Donald Trump for treason
Another rat flees Donald Trump’s sinking ship
Sinking Donald Trump declares war on General Motors, CNN, Robert Mueller, and well, just about everyone
The hits just keep coming after Paul Manafort blows it
Robert Mueller KNOWS
Here comes the Trump-Russia chilling effect
Paul Manafort and Donald Trump just got outfoxed
Oh come on, Melania Trump
There are no magic Trump-Russia pardons, for Paul Manafort or anyone else
Here’s how pardons actually work, and why they wouldn’t help Donald Trump one bit…
Read MoreLooks like Robert Mueller just used Paul Manafort to bluff Donald Trump into submission
Wow was this clever…
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