Donald Trump is fading
Ben Carson humiliates himself on live national television
Fascinating poll numbers in response to Derek Chauvin verdict
Tucker Carlson goes berserk and throws his own guest off the air
Fox News melts down after Derek Chauvin guilty verdict
George Floyd just changed everything
Fox News bottoms out
No wonder Lindsey Graham is melting down
House Republicans are doubling down on their insurrectionist lunacy
President Biden really is cleaning house
Bad news for Greg Abbott
Marjorie Taylor Greene just stepped in it
Sorry, Kristi Noem, this isn’t going to work for you
Ana Navarro rips Ted Cruz to pieces
Nikki Haley has lost whatever little might have been left of her mind
Lauren Boebert goes totally bonkers
This is slipping away from Greg Abbott
Jim Jordan completely melts down
Mike Pompeo is finally getting what’s coming to him
The Republican war on baseball just got even stupider
Matt Gaetz has made a whole new mess for himself
And now another installment in the continuing saga of the train wreck that is the life of Congressman Matt Gaetz. Congressman Gaetz (Venmo fan-Florida) is still digging into his pathetic attacks on CNN. He is also doing something else. The “America First” (KKK) caucus promoted by one Marjorie Taylor Greene has received so much blowback…
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