This “Taylor Swift effect” in Tennessee might be real after all
Paul Manafort slam dunks Donald Trump
All of America is being held hostage by one compromised loser named Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s new horse farce
Donald Trump’s remaining White House advisers get into huge shouting match
No one is minding the store
Mitch McConnell is coming for you
Turkish newspaper claims one of Jamal Khashoggi’s Saudi killers is now dead
Read MoreThe Taylor Swift effect
Rudy Giuliani goes berserk
It’s time for Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr to panic
White House Counsel Don McGahn has left the building
Ted Cruz sucks
So much for the Democrats getting blown out in the Tennessee Senate race
FBI investigating District Attorney who allegedly covered up the crimes of Donald Trump’s kids
Paul Manafort sells out Roger Stone to Robert Mueller
Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about women
Ivanka Trump posts idiotic tweet, deletes it
Donald Trump’s bat signal
We told you it’s Mueller Time
What did Mitch McConnell just do to himself?
Horse crap
So much for low Democratic midterm turnout
Donald Trump only has one bargaining chip left
Donald Trump has no idea what’s about to hit him
Donald Trump reaches new level of desperation in Saudi Arabia murder scandal
Dennis Hof, Republican candidate and Trump-connected pimp, drops dead
Mitch McConnell is suddenly hedging his bets
What does McConnell know that we don’t?
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