Incoming House Intel Chair Adam Schiff rips Donald Trump a new one
Buckle up, it’s about to get more turbulent than ever
Kellyanne Conway has a whole new problem
Rudy Giuliani goes hilariously off the rails
Michelle Obama slam dunks Donald Trump
What Robert Mueller has up his sleeve
Donald Trump goes berserk after Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson climb back into contention in Florida
Donald Trump goes off the deep end about Robert Mueller amid reports that Donald Trump Jr could be arrested
Andrew Gillum slams Rick Scott heading into Florida recounts
Trump’s Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker panics and locks down his Twitter account after his scandals explode
Jeff Sessions’ revenge against Donald Trump
Buzz says Donald Trump Jr is on the verge of arrest
Yes, Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson can still win
Scott Walker has been defeated. Is he about to be indicted?
Donald Trump and his underlings know they’ve lost, and they’re trying to settle old grudges while they still can
Donald Trump’s new Acting Attorney General stooge Matthew Whitaker is already crashing and burning
Governor* of Georgia
Why does everyone suddenly think Robert Mueller is a hapless idiot?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes berserk, falsely accuses CNN’s Jim Acosta of assaulting a woman, revokes his press credentials
Now that’s just rude
No, Donald Trump can’t magically fire Robert Mueller and magically get away with everything
The real reason Donald Trump just forced Jeff Sessions to “resign”
Donald Trump melts down in psychotic press conference after he loses the midterms
House Democrats win majority, begin making moves to protect Robert Mueller
What the hell just happened in Florida?
This doesn’t add up. Not at all…
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