Donald Trump can’t stop the cascading series of events that’s taking him down
Now we know the House Judiciary Committee has Donald Trump nailed
Looks like Ivanka Trump is a primary target of the investigation after all
Donald Trump just screwed over the Republican Senate, and it won’t end well for either of them
Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr just got really bad news out of New York State
Matt Whitaker is now a cooperating obstruction of justice witness against Donald Trump. Turns out he’s not the first.
Donald Trump just walked right into Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment trap
Smoking gun surfaces against Rudy Giuliani
Matt Whitaker just flipped on Donald Trump
Bad news for Donald Trump on the RICO front
Donald Trump Jr has no idea what’s about to hit him
Moments after his sentencing, Paul Manafort gets hit with SIXTEEN more felony charges
Judge Amy Berman Jackson just sent an unmistakable message to Donald Trump
It’s official: Paul Manafort’s life is over, and Donald Trump is next
Donald Trump reminds us yet again just how stupid his base is
The Republican Party is a bunch of sniveling weaklings
Donald Trump belongs in a rubber room
Donald Trump has deranged meltdown after New York targets him
Paul Manafort won’t like what’s about to happen to him next
Lock them up!
Tucker Carlson’s suspiciously timed Fox News “vacation”
Donald Trump may indeed be to blame for these plane crashes
Sounds like Michael Flynn gave up everything on Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s Cindy Yang scandal just reached critical mass
Things just got ugly between Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump
Donald Trump goes totally bonkers after New York State targets his assets
Nancy Pelosi gives the boot to Mike Pence
Adam Schiff hints at Nancy Pelosi’s real strategy to take down Donald Trump
Donald Trump just unwittingly handed the Democrats a huge gift
Donald Trump Jr reveals just how much of a blithering idiot he is
Read between Nancy Pelosi’s lines
Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about Albert Einstein
The real reason Nancy Pelosi is pretending she’s not going to impeach Donald Trump
The real reason the Republicans are already targeting Beto O’Rourke for 2020
Donald Trump is who we thought he was
That’s not how any of this works
Donald Trump’s Orwellian nightmare
New York State just dropped the subpoena hammer on Donald Trump
Here we go. If you’ve been waiting to figure out what role New York State would play in the demolition of Donald Trump, beyond serving as a safety net against federal pardons, you’re finally getting your answer. The Attorney General just took Michael Cohen’s testimony and used it to drop the subpoena hammer, in a…
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